Issue - meetings
Brent RE:FIT Programme Report – Authority to Proceed to Call-Off Contract Phase 2 (Installation of Energy Conservation Measures at 15 sites).
Meeting: 21/07/2014 - Cabinet (Item 12)
12 Brent RE:FIT Programme Report – authority to proceed to Call-Off Contract Phase 2 PDF 144 KB
Brent REFIT is a programme designed to deliver energy savings for existing corporate buildings and schools using the GLA REFIT Framework Agreement. This is an “Invest to Save” scheme with guaranteed returns over the agreed payback period. This programme aims to contribute to reducing energy consumption and its associated costs in addition to mitigating CO2 emissions with the installation of Energy Conservation Measures (ECMs) in Brent Council buildings and schools.
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(i) that approval be given to award an Energy Performance Contract (EPC) under the Framework Agreement provided by the GLA RE:FIT programme to install energy conservation measures (ECMs) in selected Brent Corporate Public buildings and a number of Brent schools within the Schools Expansion Programme for the contract value of £941,980 to Imtech Technical Services Ltd (Imtech);
(ii) that approval to fund the proposed Brent REFIT schemes from a combination of unsupported borrowing, corporate reserves and individual school balances to the value of £674,230 and from Salix Funding for the amount of £267,750;
(iii) that approval be given to the appointment of the Building Research Establishment (BRE) to provide continued support and technical expertise through to completion of Call-Off Contract Phase 2 REFIT Programme (ECM Installation) at a cost of £35,152 (excl. VAT & expenses) from existing Property and Projects budgets.
Brent REFIT was a programme designed to deliver energy savings for existing corporate buildings and schools using the GLA REFIT Framework Agreement. Councillor McLennan (Lead Member, Regeneration and Housing) advised that the programme was an “Invest to Save” scheme with guaranteed returns over the agreed payback period which aimed to contribute to reducing energy consumption and its associated costs in addition to mitigating CO2 emissions with the installation of Energy Conservation Measures (ECMs) in Brent Council buildings and schools. An investment of £941,980 would deliver guaranteed energy savings of 2,158MWh worth £110,376 per annum at current prices giving a simple payback of 8.5 years equating to 25.3% energy savings against baseline (CO2 reduction against baseline equal to 26.1%). Vale Farm Sports Centre and nine schools would be involved.
Conrad Hall (Chief Finance Officer) advised that the returns would be assessed on a case by case basis and were seen to be reasonable. It was noted that should a school change status to an academy there was risk that responsibility to meet debt payments could be negated and the Chief Finance Officer assured Cabinet that terms would be as strong as possible.
The Cabinet also had before them an appendix to the report which was not for publication as it contained the following category of exempt information as specified in Schedule 12 of the Local Government (Access to Information Act) 1972:
Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information).
(i) that approval be given to award an Energy Performance Contract (EPC) under the Framework Agreement provided by the GLA RE:FIT programme to install energy conservation measures (ECMs) in selected Brent corporate public buildings and a number of Brent schools within the Schools Expansion Programme for the contract value of £941,980 to Imtech Technical Services Ltd (Imtech);
(ii) that approval be given to fund the proposed Brent REFIT schemes from a combination of unsupported borrowing, corporate reserves and individual school balances to the value of £674,230 and from Salix Funding for the amount of £267,750;
(iii) that approval be given to the appointment of the Building Research Establishment (BRE) to provide continued support and technical expertise through to completion of Call-Off Contract Phase 2 REFIT Programme (ECM Installation) at a cost of £35,152 (excl. VAT & expenses) from existing Property and Projects budgets.