Issue - meetings
Review of Child & Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) Contract
Meeting: 09/12/2013 - Executive (Item 6)
6 Review of Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) Contract PDF 154 KB
Contractual arrangements have been in place with Central and North West London NHS Foundation Trust (CNWL) since 2007 to provide a Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS). This contract was intended to supplement the NHS core CAMHS service commissioned by Brent Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) (formerly NHS Brent). The current contract is due to expire on 31st March 2014. For the reasons detailed in section 3 of this report, Officers are seeking Executive approval to decommission the existing service in its entirety and to commission an alternative, reduced service from April 2014 onwards.
(i) that a 3 month extension on the existing CAMHS contract from 1 April 2014 – 30 June 2014 to allow efficient commissioning processes to be undertaken be approved;
(ii) that the proposed decommissioning of the current CAMHS service at the end of the extension on 30th June 2014 be approved;
(iii) that approval be given to Officers to proceed with the commissioning of a new, revised service to commence from 1 July 2014, and note that a pre-tender report will be presented for this shortly;
(iv) that it be noted that these changes bring the council into line with other local authorities and will continue to ensure that statutory obligations are met;
(v) that it be noted that officers will ensure that there is a smooth transition to the new arrangements.
Sara Williams (Acting Director, Children and Families) introduced her report which sought approval to decommission the existing Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) in its entirety and to commission an alternative, reduced service from April 2014 onwards. The current contractual arrangement had been in place with Central and North West London NHS Foundation Trust (CNWL) since 2007 and was intended to supplement the NHS core service commissioned by Brent Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) (formerly NHS Brent). The current contract was due to expire on 31 March 2014, and consideration had been given to the service model beyond 2014.
In response to the deputation earlier in the evening from the CNWL CAMHS Sara Williams explained that while some communication had taken place with colleagues over future commissioning, she had apologised that CNWL had not had sight of the report prior to it being in the public domain. Efforts had been made to establish the best approach and the significant reduction would have to be tendered in line with procurement rules. Given the size of the financial envelope, a large swathe of services would be involved and there would be extensive discussions with the CCG over what was commissioned as a core service and what the council commissioned. The proposal now before members included an extension to the existing contract to allow more time for consideration. Sara Williams acknowledged that Looked After Children were a high need, priority group and that the proposals would have an adverse impact. She stated that the proposals in the report had not been arrived at lightly.
Councillor Pavey (Lead Member, Children and Families) acknowledged the concerns expressed by CNWL earlier in the evening but put the view that CAMHS was the responsibility of the NHS through the CCG and the council could not afford to supplement funding to the same extent as it had in the past. He assured that consultation would be comprehensive.
The Chair (Councillor Butt, Leader of the Council) was assured that CNWL would be eligible to bid and also questioned whether both quantitative and qualitative data would be used for monitoring. Sara Williams added that meetings were taking place with a further one scheduled for 18 December 2014 and Councillor Pavey confirmed that he was prepared to consider all data necessary for the assessment of statutory provision. Councillor Hirani sought and obtained re-confirmation that the CCG would be party to discussions.
Jackie Shaw speaking on behalf of CNWL CAMHS welcomed the meeting scheduled for 18 December but clarified that the funding received from the CCG amounted to £1.7m.
(i) that a 3 month extension on the existing CAMHS contract from 1 April 2014 – 30 June 2014 to allow efficient commissioning processes to be undertaken be approved;
(ii) that the proposed decommissioning of the current CAMHS service at the end of the extension on 30 June 2014 be approved;
(iii) that approval be given to officers to proceed with the commissioning of a new, revised service to commence ... view the full minutes text for item 6