Issue - meetings
Local Account
Meeting: 09/12/2013 - Executive (Item 8)
8 Adult Social Care Local Account 2012/13 PDF 84 KB
The purpose of Brent’s Local Account is to communicate priorities and to provide Members, residents, service users and their carers with a key accountability mechanism by which self-regulation and improvement activities can be systematically monitored and reported.
Additional documents:
(i) that the performance and contextual information contained in the report from the Acting Director, Adult Social Services, be noted;
(ii) that the priorities and risks associated with the information provided and the strategic priorities identified be noted.
Councillor Hirani (Lead Member, Adults and Health) introduced the Local Account report from the Acting Director of Adult Social Services, a new single dataset for local government and the development of outcomes frameworks for Health and Adult Social Care replacing the Annual Performance Assessment. The Local Account set out local performance, communicated priorities and provided a key accountability mechanism by which self-regulation and improvement activities could be systematically monitored and reported. In terms of projections, Councillor Hirani acknowledged that it would be difficult to identify any further savings however it was hoped that some could, through avoiding duplication. Regarding carers, the Carers Hub would continue to be strengthened working with the Brent Clinical Commissioning Group to deliver improvements and support. Councillor Hirani referred to priorities for 2013/14 which included an increase in the number of people who took up Direct Payments and supporting the Pioneer initiative designed to boost integrated care. Additionally, it was anticipated that the local authorities would have additional responsibilities arising from the Care and Support Bill due to become statute in April 2015. The Executive noted that a summary of the Local Account would be available in January 2014.
(i) that the performance and contextual information contained in the report from the Acting Director, Adult Social Services, be noted;
(ii) that the priorities and risks associated with the information provided and the strategic priorities identified be noted.