Issue - meetings
Brent House, 379 High Road, Wembley, HA9 6BZ - disposal
Meeting: 09/12/2013 - Executive (Item 13)
13 Brent House - proposed disposal on a subject to planning basis PDF 114 KB
In December 2010 the Executive considered options for the future use of the Brent House site in Wembley High Road, and agreed in principle to the marketing of the site. This report proposes that the Council enter into a ‘subject to planning’ contract for the disposal of a long leasehold interest in Brent House, 349-357 High Road, Wembley, London HA9 6BZ, as shown in Appendix 1, to Stoford Ltd, keeping in reserve the bid from Henley Homes Ltd.
Additional documents:
- brent_house appendices 1 and 2, item 13 PDF 812 KB
- brent_house appendix 3 (not for publication) , View reasons restricted (13/3)
- brent_house appendix 4, item 13 PDF 183 KB
(i) that the disposal of a long leasehold interest in Brent House on a subject to planning basis to Stoford Ltd for a capital receipt upon the grant of planning consent be approved;
(ii) that, as a reserve, subject to satisfactory resolution of matters highlighted in the confidential appendix, in the event that the above offer does not proceed satisfactorily, that the offer from Henley Homes Ltd be approved;
(iii) that delegated authority be granted to the Operational Director Property and Projects to agree the terms of the transaction in consultation with the Chief Finance Officer.
Councillor Crane (Lead Member, Regeneration and Major Projects) reminded the Executive that in December 2010consideration had been given to options for the future use of the Brent House site in Wembley High Road, following it being declared as surplus to requirements and agreement given in principle to the marketing of the site. The report now before members proposed that the council enter into a ‘subject to planning’ contract for the disposal of a long leasehold interest in Brent House, 349-357 High Road, Wembley, London HA9 6BZ, as shown in Appendix 1 of the report to Stoford Ltd, keeping in reserve the bid from Henley Homes Ltd.
The Executive also had before them an appendix to the report which was not for publication as it contained the following category of exempt information as specified in Schedule 12 of the Local Government (Access to Information Act) 1972:
Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information).
(i) that the disposal of a long leasehold interest in Brent House on a subject to planning basis to Stoford Ltd for a capital receipt upon the grant of planning consent be approved;
(ii) that, as a reserve, subject to satisfactory resolution of matters highlighted in the confidential appendix, in the event that the above offer does not proceed satisfactorily, that the offer from Henley Homes Ltd be approved;
(iii) that delegated authority be granted to the Operational Director Property and Projects to agree the terms of the transaction in consultation with the Chief Finance Officer.