Issue - meetings
Budget Strategy update
Meeting: 14/10/2013 - Executive (Item 8)
8 Budget Strategy update PDF 111 KB
This report sets out the Council’s funding forecast for the next three years.
Additional documents:
that the latest forecast for the Council’s revenue budget for 2014/15 to 2016/17 at Appendix 1 of the report from the Deputy Director of Finance and the assumptions used to derive this, be noted.
On behalf of the Executive, Councillor R Moher welcomed Conrad Hall, newly appointed Chief Finance Officer, to his first meeting of the Executive. The Executive wished to place on record their gratitude to Mick Bowden Deputy Director, who had covered the Director’s role in the interim.
Councillor R Moher in introducing the Budget strategy update report which set out the council’s funding forecast for the next three years, Councillor Moher outlined the spending assumptions and reminded the Executive that the budget gap remained substantial. The Chief Finance Officer stressed the importance of taking a long term view on the budget pointing out that being made to make savings over the next three years were based on estimates, which were subject to change. The Chair concurred that the pressures were not diminishing but assured that the council would deliver for residents.
that the latest forecast for the Council’s revenue budget for 2014/15 to 2016/17 at Appendix 1 of the report from the Deputy Director of Finance and the assumptions used to derive this, be noted.