Issue - meetings
School Expansion Programme - temporary primary school expansion 2013/14 and Preston Manor School
Meeting: 15/07/2013 - Executive (Item 12)
In May 2013 the Executive received an update on the school expansion programme 2012-16 and approved proposals for the provision of temporary school places for the 2013/14 academic year. This report seeks approval to a revised proposal for the provision of temporary school places and approval to use council assets to deliver the proposal. In February 2011, the Executive was informed about existing covenants on Preston Manor school's land in relation to the expansion of that school to take primary aged children. The school, with support from the Council, appointed external legal advisors to seek amendments to the covenants through the Upper Tribunal. This report provides an update on progress and seeks authority to continue the Upper Tribunal process and/or alternative routes with the help of external legal advisors.
Additional documents:
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(i) that the current status of all projects to provide temporary school places for September 2013 and during the 2013/14 academic year be noted;
(ii) that approval be given to the use of Anansi to provide temporary school places for three to five years aligning with Knowles House temporary use arrangements and to agree that an appropriate lease/license agreement be entered into with College Green Nursery allowing occupation;
(iii) that approval be given to the use of Douglas Avenue to provide temporary classes for up to two years and to agree that an appropriate lease/licence agreement be entered into with a suitable school to allow occupation;
(iv) that the use of Strathcona to provide temporary classes for four to seven years, thus withdrawing the site from the market for that period be authorised and to agree that an appropriate lease/licence agreement be entered into with Roe Green Infant School to allow occupation;
(v) that authority be delegated to the Operational Director Property and Projects to agree the terms of the lease/license and enter into appropriate agreements;
(vi) that the current status of the legal process in relation to the restrictive covenants on land belonging to Preston Manor School be noted;
(vii) that approval be given to the continuation of the Upper Tribunal process in relation to the covenants related to Preston Manor School.
In May 2013 the Executive received an update on the school expansion programme 2012-16 and approved proposals for the provision of temporary school places for the 2013/14 academic year. The report from the Strategic Director of Regeneration and Growth sought approval to a revised proposal for the provision of temporary school places and approval to use council assets to deliver the proposal. In February 2011, the Executive was informed about existing covenants on Preston Manor school's land in relation to the expansion of that school to take primary aged children. The school, with support from the council, appointed external legal advisors to seek amendments to the covenants through the Upper Tribunal. Before the Executive was an update on progress and a request for authorisation to continue the Upper Tribunal process and/or alternative routes with the help of external legal advisors.
Councillor Crane (Lead Member, Regeneration and Major Projects) reminded the Executive that in May 2013 approval was given to deliver 26 classes of temporary primary school places, however, it had since been found that some previously approved places were not deliverable and new proposals were now being put forward. Those applications submitted on time would have places however there were a further 472 late applications. Councillor Crane drew attention to the status of previously approved expansions, the changes proposed and expansions planned for coming years. He also referred to the legal position regarding the proposals to expand Preston Manor the detail of which was set out in an appendix to the report which was not for publication.
Councillor HB Patel (ward councillor) reiterated concerns over the suitability of expanding Preston Manor School given the difficulties already experience by residents due to traffic congestion. Councillor Butt (Chair, Leader of the Council) stated that the council was investing to ensure suitable accommodation and the Lead Member for Children and Families assured that the temporary classes would be of high quality.
The Executive also had before them an appendix to the report which was not for publication as it contained the following category of exempt information specified in Schedule 12 A of the Local Government Access to Information Act 1972, namely:
“Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority)” and
“Information in respect of which a claim to legal professional privilege could be maintained in legal proceedings”.
(i) that the current status of all projects to provide temporary school places for September 2013 and during the 2013/14 academic year be noted;
(ii) that approval be given to the use of Anansi (former nursery premises) to provide temporary school places for three to five years aligning with Knowles House temporary use arrangements and to agree that an appropriate lease/license agreement be entered into with College Green Nursery allowing occupation;
(iii) that approval be given to the use of Douglas Avenue to provide temporary classes for up to two years and to agree that an appropriate lease/licence agreement be entered into with a suitable school ... view the full minutes text for item 12