Issue - meetings
Supporting Peoples Services - contract extension and pre-tender considerations
Meeting: 17/06/2013 - Executive (Item 4)
4 Supporting Peoples Services - approval of award of contracts and contract extensions PDF 193 KB
This report requests that the Executive authorise the extension of Supporting People contracts for a Sheltered Housing service and handyperson and accident prevention services and to give approval to the pre - tender considerations and criteria for a new procurement exercise.
(i) That an exemption from the usual tendering and quotation requirements of Contract Standing Orders be agreed to allow the award of interim contracts for Supporting People funded Willow Sheltered Housing Service and Handyperson and Accident Prevention services to the incumbent providers, on the basis of good operational and financial reasons as set out in paragraphs 3.4 - 3.11 of this report;
(ii) That the award of an interim nine (9) month contract be approved for Willow Sheltered Housing Service to Willow Housing Limited and a seven (7) month contract for the Handyperson and Accident & Prevention service to Elder’s Voice as outlined in Para 3.10 and 3.11 of this report;
(iii) That approval be given to the pre-tender considerations and the criteria to be used to evaluate tenders for a new Handyperson and Accident & Prevention Service and Sheltered Housing Service as set out in paragraphs 3.9 of this report;
(iv) That approval be given officers to invite expressions of interest, agree shortlists and invite tenders in accordance with the procurement timetable and evaluate them in accordance with the approved evaluation criteria referred to in 2.3 above.
The report from the Directors of Adult Social Services and Regeneration and Major Projects requested authority for the extension of Supporting People contracts for a sheltered housing service and handyperson and accident prevention services and approval to the pre-tender considerations and criteria for a new procurement exercise. Councillor Hirani (Lead Member, Adults and Health) outlined the procurement process and advised it was being recommended that interim contracts be awarded to Elders Voice and Willow Housing.
(i) that an exemption from the usual tendering and quotation requirements of Contract Standing Orders be agreed to allow the award of interim contracts for Supporting People funded Willow Sheltered Housing Service and Handyperson and Accident Prevention services to the incumbent providers, on the basis of good operational and financial reasons as set out in paragraphs 3.4 - 3.11 of the report from the Directors of Directors of Adult Social Services and Regeneration and Major Projects;
(ii) that the award of an interim nine month contract be approved for Willow Sheltered Housing Service to Willow Housing Limited and a seven month contract for the Handyperson and Accident & Prevention service to Elder’s Voice as outlined in Para 3.10 and 3.11 of the report;
(iii) that approval be given to the pre-tender considerations and the criteria to be used to evaluate tenders for a new Handyperson and Accident and Prevention Service and Sheltered Housing Service as set out in paragraphs 3.9 of the report;
(iv) that approval be given for officers to invite expressions of interest, agree shortlists and invite tenders in accordance with the procurement timetable and evaluate them in accordance with the approved evaluation criteria referred to in (iii) above.