Meeting documents
Monday 11 December 2006
ExecutiveDate of meeting
11/12/2006Service area
Housing and Community CareForward plan ref
Wards affected
All WardsAuthor
Martin CheesemanSummary
This report recommends the disposal of Council properties to the
Brent Coefficient Consortium (the Consortium) in order to develop
the sites to provide housing and residential accommodation under
the Council’s Non HRA Housing & Social Care PFI project.
Disposal of these Council properties is recommended in two tranches
and approval for the disposal of properties identified in the first
tranche is required to be made by end of December 2006. This allows
the Consortium to commence with securing planning approval for
development schemes on these sites in order to achieve financial
close on the PFI contract with the Council by end of July 2007. The
report also asks members to agree to indemnify the Consortium in
respect of its abortive development costs in certain cases where
the Council gives and then later withdraws its approval of sites to
be included in the scheme.Related reports
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