Meeting documents
Wednesday 12 November 2003
Date & time
7.00 pm
Brent Town Hall
- Supporting People Contracts
- Racial Harassment Policy
- Voluntary Sector Support Review - consultation results and next steps
- Library Museum and Archive Best Value Review
- Review and Determination of the Relevant Area for Consultation on School Admissions Arrangements
- Investigation into the Abscondment of Patrick Mullings from an Educational Visit by Hay Lane School
- Items Selected by Non-Executive Members at Council - Decision Tracking
- 2003/04 Revenue Budget
- 2003/2004 Capital Budget Monitoring Report and s106 Update Report
- Best Value Reviews Progress Report 2000-2003
- One Stop Shop Annual Performance 2002/03
- Citizenship Ceremonies
- Licensing Act 2003 (the Act) - preparations for the new Licensing responsibilities
- Amendment to Supplementary Planning Guidance19: Sustainable Design and Construction
- Proposed Article 4 Direction for Queens Park Conservation Area Extension
- Street Lighting PFI - Core Investment Programme
- Chalkhill - Combined Facilities Building
- 58 Peel Precinct, Kilburn, London, NW6 - South Kilburn New Deal for Communities
- Units 13, 14 & 29-32 Bridge Park Complex - Brent Community Transport
- Kingsbury Pool Development